Kapiti based experts in

LBC IconTraffic Engineering

LBC IconRoad Safety Engineering

LBC IconPublic Transport Projects

Kapiti based experts in

LBC IconTraffic Engineering

LBC IconRoad Safety Engineering

LBC IconPublic Transport Projects


I established Luke Benner Consulting in mid 2019 with the business initially focused on providing traffic engineering support to Council’s in the Wellington Region. As the business grew I stepped into the business fulltime in early 2021 which allowed me to build upon existing relationships to expand the scope and breadth of services being provided to include public transport, road safety and walking and cycling projects delivery through both design and construction.

Building upon my core expertise in traffic engineering I am now well respected amongst local government and private development sector clients alike to carry out traffic impact assessments, integrated transport assessments and road safety audits as well as undertaking peer reviews on resource consent applications on behalf of our local government clients.

My vision is to become the traffic & transportation engineering consultancy of choice for all of my clients both existing and new across New Zealand.

Building upon my core expertise in traffic engineering I am now well respected amongst local government and private development sector clients alike to carry out traffic impact assessments, integrated transport assessments and road safety audits as well as undertaking peer reviews on resource consent applications on behalf of our local government clients.

My vision is to become the traffic & transportation engineering consultancy of choice for all of my clients both existing and new across New Zealand.


Traffic Engineering

  • Traffic Impact Assessments/Integrated
  • Transport Assessments
  • RMA Hearings
  • Traffic Modelling (SIDRA)
  • Road/Intersection Design
  • Traffic Resolutions
  • Transport Consents Peer Reviews (for councils)
  • District Plan Reviews (Transport)
  • Carparking Surveys & Analysis
  • Project Management (Design and delivery)

Road Safety Engineering

  • Road Safety Auditing including Safe System Audits (I am an accredited SSA auditors)
  • Safety Projects design services (concept & detailed design)
  • Design Reviews
  • Crash Reduction Studies

Public Transport

  • Project Management (Design & delivery of bus hubs, bus stops/shelters, bus priority improvements)
  • Design Reviews (Bus Priority Projects in particular)
  • Traffic Resolutions (Bus stop improvements)
  • Programme Management (Network Infrastructure)

Recent Work

Manawatū Subdivision

Project 373 Colyton Road
Location Colyton, Manawatu
Client Geoworks Ltd

I was engaged by Geoworks (on behalf of their client) in early 2024 to carry out a traffic impact assessment on a large 70 lot lifestyle subdivision. Earlier a resource consent application had been lodged with council in which several matters concerning transport were raised in a request for further information. Particular considerations included the proposed subdivision layout including the standard of proposed roads and connectivity to the existing road network.

The resource consent for the development was granted in late 2024.

Ōtaki Pool Redevelopment

Project Ōtaki Pool Redevelopment
Location Ōtaki
Client Kāpiti Coast District Council

I was engaged by the Kāpiti Coast District Council in May 2024 to carry out a review of the existing parking areas surrounding the Ōtaki Pool complex. At this time council were planning significant upgrade works to the pool complex and wanted to understand how the carpark was functioning including the levels of occupancy throughout different times of the day. Several days of parking surveys were carried out across different time periods with this designed to understand how different activities effected parking supply throughout the day.

The findings of the survey were presented in a report to councils project team, with the client deciding to look at options to increase parking supply in the future.

Poriura Mixed Use Development

Project 5 Paremata Crescent, Porirua – Mixed Use Development
Location Porirua City
Client Porirua City Council

I was engaged by Porirua City Council during 2023 to carry out a peer review of an integrated transport assessment prepared by the applicant for a 5-storey mixed use development comprising of 16 apartments and 2 commercial tenancies.
The project ended up going to a hearing (due to non traffic matters). This therefore included preparing expert evidence and attending the hearing.

The resource consent was granted in May 2024.

Pukerua Bay 152 Lot Subdivision

Project 34 Muri Road, Pukerua Bay – 152 Lot Subdivision
Location Porirua City
Client Porirua City Council

I was engaged on behalf of council to peer review the applicant’s integrated transport assessment. This review focused heavily on potential adverse traffic effects on the existing transport network of which there were many. The project involved significant upgrades to Muri Road, including road widening, street lighting and new footpaths. My involvement also included drafting of transport specific consent conditions.

The resource consent was granted in January 2024.

Levin Family Health

Project Levin Family Health (Medical Centre – Speldhurst Country Estate)
Location Levin
Client Wayne Bishop Group Ltd (WBG)

I was engaged by WBG to carry out a traffic impact assessment on a proposal to establish a new medical centre within the Speldhurst Lifestyle Village. My assessment assessed the transport effects of the proposal, noting that up to 4000 patients were expected to be enrolled over time. Consideration was given to vehicle access, parking, servicing and impacts on the adjacent State Highway.

Council granted resource consent in late 2022.

Regional Minor Civil Works

Project Regional Minor Civil Works
Location Wellington Region (several locations)
Client Greater Wellington Regional Council

I was engaged by Greater Wellington Regional Council as part of a multi year professional services contract during 2022 and 2023 to project manage the planning, design and delivery of a package of minor public transport projects throughout Wellington City, Lower Hutt & Masterton.

The projects were largely aimed at resolving accessibility issues at bus stops as well forming and constructing a bus turnaround area and improving access for buses to existing train station park & rides. Construction was completed on all sites in November 2023.

Ropata Retirement Village

Project Ropata Retirement Village (Traffic Engineering Services)
Location Lower Hutt City
Client Urban Edge Planning Ltd

I was engaged by Urban Edge Planning in mid 2021 on behalf of Ropata Lodge Ltd to carry out an integrated transport assessment of a proposed 48 unit retirement village on High Street. The location of the proposed village within a residential area required a detailed assessment to be undertaken including carrying out on street parking surveys and inputting into the design of the vehicle circulation and parking areas within the site.

The proposed retirement village went through a notification process resulting in several submissions being received in opposition to the proposed village resulting in an independent hearings commissioner being appointed to run a hearing on the application. I was required to prepare detailed evidence in advance of the hearing, addressing the many concerns raised in the submissions.

In October 2023, the resource consent was granted for the 48 unit retirement village – a successful outcome for the client.

Pukerua Bay To Porirua Walking & Cycling Improvements

Project Pukerua Bay To Porirua Walking & Cycling Improvements (stage 1 & 2)
Location Pukerua Bay to Porirua CBD
Client Porirua City Council

I was engaged by Porirua City Council in early 2021 to project manage the design and delivery of a package of walking and cycling improvements between the Porirua CBD and Pukerua Bay including a package of cycle wayfinding and a shared path upgrade.

Upon council confirming additional funding in late 2021 I was engaged again to deliver stage 2 of the project which included managing the detailed design of two intersection upgrades and overseeing construction.